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tv   wusa 9 News at 6pm  CBS  February 6, 2013 6:00pm-6:30pm EST

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passed out. >> in each of the videos, the girls appear to know that they are being recorded. >> in two of the films, the girls are speaking directly to the cell phone camera. one is sitting cross legged on a bed. she's nude from the waist up and singing a song into the camera. the other one is facing the camera, talking to the camera while she is engaged in fondling with a boy. >> attorneys in the case tell me that the six girls involved are all high school students who attend lake braddock, and robinson. they say that these girls and the three boys have all known each other from elementary school and the oldest among all of them is one of the girls who is 17. >> the boys only shared the videos with each other. attorneys for the two 16-year- old boys charged release this statement. there were no images or videos uploaded to the internet. there is no ring of child
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exploitation or exploitation of any kind. there were never any nonconsensual sexual acts undertaken by anyone. >> i can see why the girls would say they want to know they were being filmed, but the evidence so far is that they do. >> wusa9. >> now fairfax county commonwealth attorney told us he could not talk about the details of this case, but he did say he's going to stand by the charges against the boys and that the victims in the case, the girls will not be facing charges. police are searching for at least one suspect who triggered an explosion inside a lorton sandwich shop. it happened in the 9500 block of richmond highway in the williams burg square shopping center this morning. witnesses say the sub shop owner was taken to washington hospital. he got badly burned. there are unconfirmed reports it was a cocktail that went off inside the business and it may have been backfired on the suspect. >> i saw the owner, crying
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hysterical and saying guys shot a bomb in there and she described them and i was standing next to her and the dog took off. they had a scent and went that way. >> no arrests have been made in the last few years, the sub shop has been burglarized, vandalized, and burned down. the shopping center made headlines three years ago when a meteorite dropped out of the sky. now the judge is keeping it all secret. >> i'm bruce leshan at d.c. superior court. secret transcripts, closed hearings, disappearing documents, the mystery is only continuing in the case of the man convicted of murdering washington intern, chandra levy. igmar guandique is expected at a hearing tomorrow, but the
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government has demanded secrecy about most of what is going on. the judges agreed to the prosecution demands and the first amendment pleas of lawyers for a number of media outlets, including our parent company, gwinnett, failed to persuade the judge. >> we can't discuss anything, i'm sorry. >> we are extremely concerned that a matter of this importance and interest to the community is happening behind closed doors. >> sources say that guandique's lawyers are demanding a new trial. one of the witnesses was so tainted that his conviction must be thrown out. and we do note that tomorrow's hearing is about defense access to more information about that witness. we just don't know which one. at d.c. superior court, bruce leshan, wusa9. the verdict is guilty for a baltimore man accused in a murder that made national headlines. michael johnson was convicted of second-degree murder today for the death of phylicia
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barnes. barnes naked body was found floating in the river. the teenager vanished two years ago. she was the former boyfriend of barnes' half sister. the man accused of opening fire inside the headquarters of a conservative christian lobbying group pled guilty today. among other things, floyd pled guilty to one federal count of crossing state lines with guns and ammunition. he was tackled during the shooting by a security guard in the lobby of the family research council building. the u.s. attorney says if it weren't for the heroic actions of leo action, he would have gone on to kill a lot of people. he is scheduled to be sentenced april 29. d.c. mayor, vince gray, will spend $100 million on affordable housing. that sounds like a lot of money, but housing advocates say the need is so much greater. >> $100 million in building and preserving 10,000 units of affordable housing. >> it may have been the
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biggest ovation since he took office, and phillips was there in the audience when the mayor announced he will spend $100 million on affordable housing. >> i jumped up to my feet and i said yes, yes. >> we're getting the help that we need and hard working individuals to do homeownership in the district. >> she works for the d.c. government, maryland is on disability, both live in southeast d.c., and each qualifies for up to $40,000 in homeowner subsidies after completing the nonprofit housing program. >> i've seen every neighborhood and redeveloped, which is a good thing. but the bad thing is, i have seen hundreds of people in whole neighborhoods and whole areas displaced. >> how big is the need? well just today, the d.c. housing department tells us there are nearly 70,000 individuals or families on their waiting list. these are the people waiting to get into either public housing or to get a voucher that they
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can take out to the private market. >> the mayor says the city's fire and police personnel, teachers and senior citizens, they'll all be eligible for the 10,000 affordable housing subsidies. with 1.5 billion in savings, more than 42 states, the district of columbia can easily afford to help observers. >> spending $100 million on housing is a lot and according to the mayor, will help create 10,000 units of affordable housing. it's not enough. >> there is some disagreement, should the recipients be allowed to eventually sell their homes, repay the subsidy and pocket the profits? some say yes, others say no, it would diminish the amount of affordable housing. bruce johnson, wusa9. >> and the mayor wants to add a $417 million surplus from last fiscal year to the current savings account. that $100 million affordable housing subsidy would come from the new savings that will be announced in a couple weeks. a man is undergoing a
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psychological evaluation after a large discovery of weapons and ammo in his home. it all began when 25-year-old justin was arrested for trespassing monday at north county high school. police say a search of his home turned up a loaded ak-47 rifle, a 9 mm handgun with a silencer along with several other weapons and ammunition. now in light of recent gun violence, anne arundel county police seized the arsenal. the police say they will hold on to them until their investigation is complete. in d.c. today, big names like king and kennedy join big names from the world of entertainment to call on congress to pass tougher gun control measures. a son of martin luther king, jr., was there. and john f. kennedy and entertainers. here's actress, iowa amanda pete. >> doing nothing has failed. to people who question the effectiveness or practicality of these measures, to the people who say it would have
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happened any way or we won't catch everybody, i say doing nothing has failed. >> the group wants congress to outlaw military style assault weapons and make background checks mandatory any time someone buys a gun. out to denver now, where gun violence killed three people. a mother and her two young kids found shot to death this morning. now police say the father wasn't hurt and they aren't quite sure where he was at the time of the gunfire. a fourth victim, a toddler underwent surgery and is now listed in critical condition. he was shot as well. now police say they are awaiting a warrant to go into the house. they are not searching for a suspect or a shooter, however. gun supporters took to the streets of annapolis today. the move came as the legislature begins hearings on proposed gun restrictions in the state. scott broom has more from the maryland state house. >> i'm scott broom at the maryland state house where today, gun rights advocates proved they are extremely well
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organized in opposition. these gun rights advocates turned out this legislative season's largest rally crowd to date in maryland. speakers included a 15-year-old expert on shooting the military style ar15 rifle, explains why ammunition magazines should be unlimited. >> the police take 6 minutes for the police average. 6 minutes for them to respond to your call. >> the advocates forced an eight-hour hearing today that started with democratic governor, martin o'malley. >> it's our belief that a car owner can take the driving test and obtain a license, it's reasonable to ask for safety training in order to obtain a license for purchase of a handgun. >> here in maryland,.gov nor martin o'malley proposes an assault weapons ban, limiting high capacity magazines and licensing for new handgun purchases. at the state house in annapolis, wusa9. >> the committee considering gun control legislation has not
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made any decisions as of now. coming up on 9news at 7:00, i'll tell you why a trip to the doctor's office may be a thing of the past and why the help you really need may be one click away. >> see you then. still ahead on wusa9 right now. we're going to introduce you to a barber shop that is providing a lifetime that rarely goes in for a checkup. topper. >> our warmest day of february so far. let me show you the number les. 49 goes in the books. low temperatures 34 this morning. above average for this time of year. we'll come back and talk about a nor'easter. what it means for us and if it can give us any snow. >> plus, she's not a candidate for anything and political operatives are targeting ashley judd. we'll tell you why when we
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actress, ashley judd getting a taste of what it's like to be in the political ring, even though she's not a declared office. the actress is being mocked in a new political ad. called judd a quote, obama following radical hollywood liberal right at home here in tennessee. i mean, kentucky. the actress is mulling over a bid against republican leader, mitch mcconnell. the ad was paid for by american
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cross road. the super pack cofounded by paul roe. more praise for the baltimore ravens. the super bowl champs got a big thumb's up from a house minority leader and baltimore native. >> they beat a mighty champion at the super bowl. as a proud 49er fan who grew up on johnny united in baltimore, going to those games as a teenager and raising my own children on joe montana and steve young, you can just imagine how exciting this game was. >> congresswoman pelosi's district covers that and she was in new orleans for the game. what will go down as one of the easiest drug busts of all time. we'll explain that. you are watching wusa9.
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we gotta sell the car. where would we even start? get the car. hi howard. get in. hi, good to see you. start with an actual written offer when selling your car, no strings attached. carmax. start here.
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a segment of the population not known for getting regular health checkups is getting help from an unlikely place. this barber shop in los angeles offers african american customers a blood pressure check. doctors at cedar hospital taught the owner how to take the readings, evaluate them, and make referrals to the doctors. >> the average man with high blood pressure in this barber
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shop comes every six weeks to get their haircut. i think him a nice doctor. i never had that much in my practice. >> no kidding. an estimated 40% of african americans have high blood pressure and black men are three times as likely as white men to die from it with a heart attack or stroke. >> to tennessee now where a car chase led to a drug bust that police call comical. it all began with a license plate violation. police say it was relatively tame. speeds rarely over 60-miles an hour, but the trooper notices the driver unsuccessfully trying to throw something out the window. it's not working, because the window is up. >> he was throwing the marijuana out. he thought was the open window, but the window was closed. i actually told him next time he may want to roll the window down because the marijuana was all over the car. it was almost comical to see
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it. >> that's just a hot mess. the driver was charged with drug possession, driving on a revoked license, failure to yield to police and utter stupidity. >> is there one for being stupid? >> all over the car. everywhere. well, it's not going to snow here, but i can talk about snow in other places. >> that's good stuff. >> the boston suburbs canceled the winter storm watch. they replaced it with a blizzard watch. if you know anyone trying to do traveling in southern new england, do it tomorrow. live look outside. 49 today was our high. it's our live weather cam. temperatures still low 40s downtown. we'll show you some temperatures in the suburbs. they're in the 30s already. dew points are falling. dryer air is moving in and the winds calming down out of the north at 9 miles an hour. funneling that colder air in here. 37 germantown. 39 in fairfax. so plenty of upper 30s. 40 at andrews, 41 down toward
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waldorf. we have one little storm here and this is part of the problem. this is going to work its way eastward across the lower lakes, upper ohio valley and drawing in warmer air. that will produce snow, or bonus snow. look at all the heavy rain and convection off the coast of texas and louisiana. and this is going to move to a great point right off the north carolina coast by friday morning. the problem is, we don't have the cold air. draw that cold air down, there's some air in northern new england, we are looking at rain here. the other unfortunate part of this storm is the heaviest rain is going to be in the delmarva. we'll get some rain here, but we need a good soaking rain fall and we don't see it with this particular storm. it's inbetween a storm in the midwest and storm in the south. a little bit colder. the clouds remain in place tomorrow. it stays dry on thursday, but
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it will remain mostly cloudy. a mix is possible tomorrow night. primarily along the i-81 corridor. not a problem for the area. that said, prepare for a wet commute friday morning and friday evening. grab your coats and umbrella on friday. for tonight then, clear to partly cloudy, colder. some clouds return by dawn. 24 to 32. winds light out of the northeast at 10. now tomorrow morning, mostly cloudy and cold. 20s and 30s. becoming a little bit breezy late morning early afternoon. by the afternoon, mostly cloudy, breezy, colder. high temperatures only around 40. so the next three days, we're okay tomorrow. temperatures in the low 40s. raw and wet on friday. mid 40s. and then in the wake of the storm, breezy and chilly. low 40s on saturday. next seven days. mild air returns. we're looking at temperatures near 50 on sunday. rain and showers on monday, but low 50s, a break on tuesday, more rain and showers on wednesday. but temperatures still in the upper 40s. so all in all, not a bad seven-
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day for february. >> no, especially with what is up north. it could be here. we won't hear any complaints from here. you won't hear complaints from men who signed important papers today. >> they are ready to embark on that next phase in their career. it was a big day for high school sports. we'll hear from maryland head coach and a couple of his big scores of the day. plus, what is wrong with the capitals? what he is doing to stop the
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now, here's kristen berset at the wusa9 cadillac sports desk. >> by the time national signing day actually comes around, most college programs know who will be joining them already for the following season. there's always a few that wait
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until the final moments to decide. the maryland terrapins scored a couple big recruits today despite last minute pushes by more prominent schools. chose maryland over florida state and suitland receiver, jacobs, turned down ohio state and joins his brother at maryland. in all, coach randy is extremely pleased with today's event. >> we are very, very pleased with what took place today with teyvon. to go three for three on signing day, you know, what we're doing here and the direction we're heading. >> we have full coverage of today's signing day from around the area. videos, stories, and pictures. check it out at u.s. today high with 48 games to play, every game is important because you are playing divisional
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opponents. every team had just one week of training camp and while others seem to have found their groove, the capitals definitely have not. after last night's 3-2 loss in toronto, the capitals are 2-7- 1, which is the worse record in the nhl. the goal last night encompasses the miscommunication led to a wide open net. the players are frustrated by what's been going on, but the coach is doing all he can to keep the team focused on you know, part of the job and you know, we have to figure out ways to get the guys to understand that you're doing a lot of good things and hopefully it will turn our way. >> here's some numbers for the capitals so far. they are near the bottom of the league. tied for 24th and number of goals gotten per game and 27th and goals allowed. not numbers, with the caps. >> to the soccer pitch. united states in world cup
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qualifying. the u.s. did take a 1-0 lead, but with tide at 1, howard unable to get the ball. the game winner in the 79th minute, the u.s. loses 2-1. yes. finally, it's our game of the week poll. boys basketball, we have suitland at flowers, for the girls, west potomac. go to we'll announce the winner tomorrow. >> worst record. >> well. >> we don't anymore. >> at least we have the high school team to look forward to. >> and all of the policies are getting better. >> they have a bright future. >> that's it for us. the cbs evening news is next. >> and derek is back with our area's only local newscast at 7:00. >> good night, everybody.
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